Disillusioned and broken hearted!💔 

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

He has risen! He has risen, indeed!!

The Lenten season is over.

My time of fasting from social media has come to an end! 

Staying off of social media was refreshing. 

Not writing my Bblog, and posting it on social media was excruciating!

But my commitment to God, for my Lenten fast, was to focus completely on God and listen for His voice only and allow no other voices in! 

Today, however, is the day that ended my fast. But far greater than that, it is the day that ended hopelessness for all mankind! 

Jesus Christ conquered the grave, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, giving us all who receive Him eternal life! That is our blessed Hope!

God has given me a gift to Speak His Truth in Love! Not having an outlet to do that for 40 days was rough! 

When God gives us a spiritual gift, He wants us to use it for His glory.  

God clearly called me away from it for a time, to focus completely on Him! But I am praising Him today, that I’m back to exercising it!

Resurrection Sunday is proceeded by two very difficult days. In Christendom we call them Good Friday, and Silent Saturday. This year especially, they held great meaning for me, and a solemn soberness. God encouraged me, as I was reading through the gospels, to put myself in the place of His followers!

Unlike me, on this side of the cross, they did not know what I know! When Jesus was taken from them, and was beaten, tortured, mocked, and nailed to a cross, they did not know what was going to happen on Sunday.

Their beloved Rabbi, that they had left business and family to follow, was taken away by the very government they had hoped Him to overthrow. Not only that, the religious leaders had accused Him, and found Him guilty of blasphemy, and cried out for His crucifixion! 

As His followers stood by shocked and fearful, listening to the crowds cry, “crucify him, crucify him,” all their hopes seemed hopeless.

They had to be filled with disillusionment and were brokenhearted. Their hope had turned to hopelessness!

Have you found yourself lately being disillusioned? Have those you’ve loved and trusted let you down? Have you endured circumstances that have left you brokenhearted? Have you watched your dreams crumble and you have turned from Hope to hopelessness? If so, then you understand what the followers of Jesus were enduring!

Have you found yourself confused, perplexed and losing hope like these two disciples on the road to Emaus?

When asked what their attitude was about Jesus and his crucifixion and death they responded…

But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things have happened.” Luke 24:21

Their disillusionment had become so strong that it was turning in to brokenhearted hopelessness! They were walking beside Jesus himself, and not even recognizing they were on the road with their living Savior.

Have you been walking on your own “road to Emaus”, for so long that your Hope has turned to hopelessness? Do you find yourself disillusioned by circumstances that don’t change? Or even worse, are you brokenhearted as you witness circumstances in your life, not changing and you know that, even though God has the power to change them, He has not changed them yet?

If so, you are still living in, “Silent Saturday!” Everything is still and unchanged! It feels like the dream has died, and circumstances will never change.

This is the true definition of walking by faith, and not by sight! We can’t see what God is doing! We don’t hear what He is saying! But Faith tells us that we can have hope because we know that our God is faithful even in the silence!

In our disillusionment and brokenheartedness we are called to walk by faith in the waiting, just like the disciples were over 2000 years ago as they followed Jesus and watched Him go to the cross, and be buried in a tomb.

We can have Hope today, because our faith has been made sight by the empty tomb!

We serve a Risen Savior, and He is in the world today! He is in our hearts and lives each and every day, even when we see Him or don’t see Him, even when we hear Him or don’t hear Him yet!

HE IS ALIVE! And through His resurrection our hopelessness is turned to hope!


Our hopelessness is turned to hope in the resurrection of Jesus!

In closing friends, I leave you with these words of encouragement;

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope!”  Romans 15:13

It’s so good to be back! Looking forward to continuing Truth Bomb Tuesdays with you! See you there!

Speak Truth Love 

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