I Need A Sign

Stop Signs, Yield Signs, Crossing Signs, Highway Signs, Construction Signs, Grocery Line Signs…and the list goes on!

Directional Signs: we look for them wherever we go! We depend on them to point us in the right direction. We count on them to show us the rules and regulations. We trust them to be accurate and to give us our expectations. We get angry and frustrated when there are not enough signs or the signs are not leading us in the right direction!

Have you ever stepped onto the sidewalk at an airport, luggage in hand, strapped with everything you could over your shoulders and grabbed the handles of everything else and wheeled them in through those two large sliding doors and stood and stared? Not running to get in line or grab your luggage tags, but instead, you just stood there and stared. Look straight ahead, look to the left, look to the right…You could develop an ulcer or a strong sense of anxiety, or even fall into an anxiety attack as you simply took in the barrage of signs! 

Flat screens, larger than any TV in our homes post tons of flights, arriving, and tons of flights departing. Directional signs to TSA tell you which line you are supposed to join. Kiosks stand in front of you giving directions silently to receive your boarding pass, check your bags and receive your luggage tags. X-ray machines hold huge signs over the top stating what you can and cannot put through them or bring on board. 

How many of you like me have left frivolous items and items of importance on the other side of that x-ray machine? I know I have! I didn’t walk through that scanning with a smile on my face!

Signs can be directional, but they can also be overwhelming! Which way do we go? Which move do we make? Which sign do we trust? Which path do we follow?

Making a move in any direction in our lives, can cause the same kind of overwhelming, confused, and even lost condition! When we are changing paths for any reason in our lives, it can be anxiety producing, to say the least! It can be frightening and scary and produce fear unless we know how to let FAITH take over!

FAITH is not the absence of fear! It is the trust and confidence to step through that fear, knowing that God will show you His path!

A path we choose in life is an action that we determine. It is a a direction we move in, a step we take, a choice we make!

FAITH in God’s path for us is letting go of the signs in our life that would scream, “CAUTION, COMMON SENSE, SECURITY,  AND, I TOLD YOU SO,” and all of the other “signs” we as humans tend to live our lives by. We step through fear and doubt, and trust our God to direct our path!

Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6



Speak Truth Love

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