This week started out for me on a HIGH!  I mean the kind of HIGH that sends a shrill of excitement through your entire body! The kind where you could jump up and down, sending a high shrill of exuberance shooting through the air at the very thought of your excitement!
You know the kind I am talking about!
You are flooded with such great anticipation that at any moment, for absolutely no reason at all, you can break into a smile from ear to ear and shriek with hyper-excitement! Which, by the way, is a real term! You can look it up for yourself in the dictionary. I did, because I was so excited to discover it was an actual term!
I woke up last Monday morning with the strongest sense of hyper-excitement, at the anticipation of the birth of my granddaughter! It is accurate to say that my feet did not touch the ground wherever they were carrying me, from Monday through Thursday!
Then it happened! On Thursday evening we received the news that our daughter-in-law was in labor. Her labor had actually begun that afternoon and was beginning to progress.
My hyper-excitement elevated to a level there is no term for! Our long awaited grand baby was about to be born!
As laboring often does, it rolled into the wee hours of the morning and Mommy and Daddy checked into the hospital around 1:30 a.m. on Friday morning. Labor progressed into Friday afternoon, and our anticipation to meet this little girl grew with every passing moment!
My elation over the excitement and anticipation of the arrival of my granddaughter was creating a euphoria in my spirit. I was feeling joy from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes! I was in a state of intense happiness and self-confidence that was literally flooding my being.
Much of the time this is what I tend to call ‘Worship.’ This is the way I enter church on most Sunday mornings. I wake up with a sense of happiness just thinking about seeing people I know, receiving smiles and hugs, hearing the Word of God spoken, and more than anything, having an inner self-confidence that I am about to raise my hands in the air and sing my heart out to my God!
Suddenly, that “euphoria” was interrupted! The scene in the hospital lobby went from “happy and self-confident” laughter, smiles and joy on everyone’s face, to sober, serious, concerned looks.  We had just received the news that labor was not progressing and all signs pointed to a necessary c-section.
In the blink of an eye, the true definition of “worship”, flooded that room!
Worship is defined as “reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.”
Our little circle of family sitting in that hospital lobby immediately joined hands and pleaded with the God we adore and love, to bless our sweet baby and her Mommy and Daddy!
We did not panic, lose hope or become anxiety-ridden like those who have no hope.
We immediately WORSHIPPED our God, adoring Him, revering Him, trusting Him and asking Him to care for our precious loved ones!
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”                              
Philippians 4:6
We worshipped, we prayed, we pleaded, we trusted, we waited…and boy did He deliver(pun intended)!
He delivered our precious, healthy granddaughter, Lucy James Swaney, at 7:07 p.m., 7 lbs. 2 oz., 20.5 inches long!
And in case you think I missed that perfect biblical number of completion…..I DIDN’T!
My worship turned into a combination of exuberance, thankfulness, Praise and Reverence to the One True God, The Only True God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Only One who creates Life, The Only One who is due my True Worship, Honor and Reverence!
Believe me, there have been many times I have found myself in stressful, difficult, and even desperate situations, when my first response was to panic, rather than worship.

There were other times when my first response was to worship, and the answer was delayed.
Regardless, as worshippers of the One True God, we are to worship Him and trust Him for the answers!
For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Worship expresses how worthy God is of our devotion.
Speak Truth Love

2 thoughts on “COMPELLED, WEEK 4

  1. Beautiful testimony of the birth of Lucy James! I can seriously picture your hyper-excitement and the family circled in prayer. This is a lovely story Lisa. Congratulations to your family and to it’s newest addition! Thank you God. You are so good!


  2. AMEN Friend! God answered our prayers!!! I Praise and Thank Him! He is so good and she is perfect in every way!!! I cannot wait for her to meet you! More than anything, I cannot wait to worship God side by side with my sweet Lucy James!!!


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