Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Awareness of God’s Unwavering Faithfulness & Hope!

I am not going to lie, Tuesday snuck up on me this week!

Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week; not only is it truth bomb Tuesday, but it’s also Tuesday night women’s Bible study!
But this week, Tuesday has come and it feels like a Monday on steroids! It has hit me hard!
Do you have days like that? Do you have weeks like that? Or even harder yet, do you have seasons like that? Difficult seasons that seem to have no end, when it feels like a Monday with no coffee all the time?
Well, I have not only had I Tuesday like that, today, but I have had a season like that for the last nine months! A season where I know God is moving, where I know He is faithful, and where my heart and spirit literally have no doubt that He is in complete control. The difficulty has been, that He hasn’t chosen to tell me yet what that control looks like.
So today, as I wake up before the sun does, even earlier than usual as I help out a friend by picking her up and taking her to work with me, and I put my feet on the ground and say, “This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.” The “I WILL” comes out with a lot more emphasis as I WILL myself to face this Tuesday!
God is still God, and He still loves me even though I don’t feel very lovely today! God is God and He is still in control even though I return from a long weekend away to face a fast and furious schedule at school and I feel out of control. God is still God and He is faithful, even though my faithful friend caffeine, is not coming through strong enough today to take away the dull ache between my eyes!
As I feel my way around a dark bedroom, not lit yet by the rising Sun, I find my way to my closet and view the outfit I will wear today…from the bottom of my toes to the top of my head I will be dressed in pink! Not because it is my favorite color, although it is, but because I am supporting and remembering all those who are battling or have battled cancer!


It’s breast cancer awareness month, and we are never more aware of cancer and it’s impact, then when we go through it ourselves, or go through it with a loved one! The strongest spiritual influence in my life, my grandma, Lela May Switter, was not struck with cancer once, nor even twice, she was struck with cancer three times! After successfully battling that, enduring radiation and chemo multiple times, enduring massive surgeries that cut out huge parts of her body, she was attacked a fourth time and it hit her lungs again! They had taken so much of her lung the first time she had cancer there, that they could not take anymore. She went through radiation therapy and then lived the remainder of her life on an oxygen tank.
The first time cancer hit her body she was in her 40s. After the surgery the doctor came out to the waiting room and spoke to my grandfather, he told him that she would not live through the year. God had different plans! The God who holds onto us and never swerved to the left or to the right, the God who promises that He’s in control and we are not, the God who promises that He has a plan for our lives and only He can determine when the end of that will be, held my grandmother in his powerful hands!

The impact on my life came as I watched my grandmother hold on unwavering to the hope of her Savior who she trusted in completely!
She told the doctor at her next doctors appointment, “As long as God still has something here on Earth for me to do, I will be here, until He calls me home.” My grandmother was only 42 years old when she uttered those words, and she was 72 years old when she met her Savior face-to-face! God had a lot of living for my grandmother to do, and boy did she live!


She poured in to not just her for granddaughters and her beautiful daughter, my mom, she poured into every single person she encountered! Her funeral was attended not only by everyone at her church, but also by everyone in her neighborhood and community!
My grandmother demonstrated to me by the way she lived her life that cancer was not bigger than God! God is in control no matter what our circumstances are!
So here I am, on my favorite day of the week Tuesday, not having a great day. Here I am in a long dry season knowing that God is in control, but still waiting for His full and complete answer! Will I allow God to be bigger than my dry season? Will I hold on with an unwavering hope to the Savior that I profess? Will I allow God to be God, and rise above my circumstances to live each and every day for Him?

Truth Bomb


Even when my circumstances let me down, my God NEVER DOES!

I will, because I know my God is faithful! He is my hope and my salvation even when my coffee lets me down, my body lets me down, and my circumstances let me down, my God never does!
So wear your pink proud! Wear your pink bright! Let it not only remind you to pray for those who are struck with cancer, but let it give you the hope and the assurance that our God is bigger!

Speak Truth Love

2 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Awareness of God’s Unwavering Faithfulness & Hope!

  1. I wish I could have known your grandmother. She sounds like an amazing woman…. a lot like you! We were just talking about dry spells in my bible study this morning. You’ll have to excuse my very midwestern analogy, but someone brought up the point that farmers need periodic dry spells for the health of their crop because during those dry spells, the plants have to send their roots deeper to find water and nutrients. The crops that are siting in wet soil never have to do that and so when the strong winds come, they are the first to fall over and be destroyed. You are one of the strongest women I know. You send your roots deep and God is bringing a great harvest for you!!! 💗💗💗 Thanks for sharing your heart!


    1. Jordan, I love you! Your words and love have fallen like refreshing rain drops on my spirit! Thank you for sharing, for loving me and more than anything, for your faithful prayers!!!🙏 I love you SO!!!❤️ The harvest is coming!!!!!
      ALL GLORY TO GOD!!!!🙌🏻


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