Moving Forward!

This is moving week! So this week’s Blog is short and sweet as I sweat and continue to pack. 

For most of us, moving produces stress as it inevitably involves change! Statistically 99.999% of the population cringe at anything that calls for change. The problem is anything that causes us to grow mandates change. The good news is we have a FAITHFUL God, who is with us every step of the way as we navigate change. 

God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭

Boy, has God been faithful to us!

I have several Blog’s worth of ways that God has demonstrated His FAITHFULNESS, but the greatest lesson He has taught me is that in moving, I must move forward!  

Moving forward with God will challenge us, stretch us, and at times push us to limits we doubt we can survive, only the faithfulness of God sustains us and propels us forward! 



When you move with God it is always forward. It can feel at times as you are struggling through, that you are moving “two steps forward and then 2 steps back!” However our God is FAITHFUL to keep us moving in His direction and that is always forward. 


Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward we press on!

We are excited to be moving forward in what we know God is leading us toward, but the journey has not been easy. Our FAITHFUL God lead us and blessed us every step of the way. Please join me back here next week as I begin a series on moving forward in faith with our FAITHFUL God.

Speak Truth Love

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