Treasure is defined as:

1) wealth or riches stored or accumulated, especially in the form of precious metals, money, jewels, or plate.

2) wealth, rich materials, or valuable things.

3) any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized.

The first two definitions state options for what a “treasure“ can be. The third definition describes perfectly what my intention is for writing today’s Blog!
The first two definitions tend to be where our minds automatically go when we hear the word TREASURE.
The Bible warns sternly against putting too much value in these earthly treasures!

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
”  Matthew 6:19-20

The next verse in Matthew chapter 6, verse 21, says…
For where your TREASURE is there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

In Luke chapter 12, verse 34 it records the very same words. Why? Because they are the words of Jesus! Jesus cares about where our treasure is, and what our treasure is. Jesus is also the giver of all good treasure! Both verses point me to what God sees as Treasure, and what HE desires me to treasure!
A little further down in Matthew we find the KEY to knowing what true treasure is and how to manage it.
But seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

“AS WELL” implies that something comes first. Seeking God’s kingdom and the treasures that do not get eaten by moths or destroyed by rust and living lives that pursue God and His righteousness leads to God’s “as well!” When we seek God‘s kingdom and His righteousness FIRST, we are then blessed, “as well” with TREASURE beyond earthly compare!

When I took a huge step of faith and went to a Christian college at the age of 18 years old, because I knew God was calling me too, even though my parents were not happy about it, I received a TREASURE BEYOND COMPARE! It was not immediate! It came after my steps of faith and perseverance, and trust!

I found myself alone at a Christian college almost 500 miles away from home! Considering I had no money for gas or airfare, it may as well have been 5000 miles away. I checked into the dorms only to find my roommates had not arrived, and we’re not even going to my college. They were both attending the university across the street.
I asked where the closest Christian Church was? They literally pointed out the back of the college and across the street. I woke up that first Sunday morning and watched through the back of the University, across the street and into Eastside Christian Church.
That morning the pastor preached the sermon on Matthew chapter 6! He challenged us to “Matthew 6:33 it! To live a life seeking after God‘s kingdom and his righteousness as our TREASURE!
I have never forgotten that sermon. God spoke directly to my heart and spirit that day, and Matthew 6:33 has become a “mantra” for my life!
I committed my life at that time to Eastside Christian Church. I would attend there and fellowship with fellow believers, I would join a small group(a.k.a. the College group which was anything but small, over 250 college students), and I would go to a smaller Bible study within that group. Then I would serve and give financially to this church home that God had brought me too!

I sat under that great preacher and man of God, and heard him preach the word of God time after time after time. I was learning to  ”Matthew 6:33 it!”
Over a year later, God gave me the first piece of my “as well” story! I kept pinching myself and praising God at the same time. Jim Swaney had asked me to marry him! I knew right then in there, beyond a shadow of a doubt, God answers prayer! Three years later God gave me “MY TREASURE!”
Christina Nicole was born on May 22, 1987.
I looked down at those crystal blue eyes looking back at me and thanked God for “My Treasure!
MY GIRL, she is my TREASURE, a priceless gift beyond measure or compare! 
Tomorrow is her birthday, and I celebrate her and praise God for the continued treasure she is! She is beautiful on the outside, but her heart shines through with even greater radiance! She is intelligent and discerning. She is compassionate and caring and gives 100% of herself all the time no matter what it costs her! She is wise beyond her years and has been a compass for me over and over again! She is kind, loving, stable, confident, and sure! She is unwavering in the love that she gives and is no nonsense, so you always know that what she says and does, she means! She is my TREASURE, my jewel , my priceless gift from God!
Happy, Happy Birthday My Girl, My Treasure!

God wants to give all his children treasure! He wants to lavish His love on all those that call Him God and Father! He just loves us too much to allow us to get our priorities for “treasure,” mixed up!
As we learn to “Matthew 6:33 it,“ we will also learn the “as well,” gifts from God are nothing less than true TREASURE! 



Speak Truth Love

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