Today is my baby sister‘s birthday! She would probably be mad if she knew I was writing this about her, not because I am saying anything that she hasn’t heard before or that I haven’t said directly to her, but because she’s not a big fan of social media and she likes her privacy.

I truly do respect that and admire that about her. However, God has called me to ‘Speak His Truth In Love’ and to Give Him the Glory for all that He has done and does in my life and today is her birthday and I want her to know that she is a true gift from God to me and that she rescued me!

To know Krissy is to know, love and generosity! She gives both freely and without restraint! She gives without considering the cost or what she will receive in return. She has a pure heart that is bigger than an ocean! There is no measurement to its depth, and its width covers the world. To know her is to feel loved and lavished upon! 

On a day like today when it’s your turn to give her a gift, it’s hard! She is the best gift giver I know! But because she gives so purely and generously, she never expects your gift to be like hers. She loves everything she receives!

That is Krissy now! A beautiful, strong, loving, kind, and generous, grown woman! I am so grateful to call her not only my “Sis,” but my friend!

That is not how she came into this world.

She came into this world with forceps! I remember it clearly because as a 10 1/2 year old, I sat anxiously on the edge of my chair in the waiting room! I was so excited that my mom was having another baby! It had been seven years since her last baby was born! 

The nurse walked out and announced,

“It’s a girl!”💗 My heart was filled with instant joy! I couldn’t wait to see her!

I remember holding her for the first time and looking down at her round and beautiful face. Her complexion was perfect, even as a newborn. She had the rosiest cheeks that I had ever seen and two clear red marks on either side of her head, where the forceps had been used. Those marks soon vanished, but I knew that the mark she left on my heart would never go away! 

God rescued me that day through the priceless gift that He gave me in my little sis, Krissy! Our family at home was in turmoil. My parents had been fighting off and on for years now. Although my sisters and I would only hear bits and pieces at times, the fighting had gotten worse, and my dad would leave for days on end. Being the oldest, he would often turn his anger on me. I really loved him! All I truly wanted was for him to stay at home.

Krissy came into my life and rescued me from sadness! She was a gift from God that brought nothing but love and joy! It may not have been the best way of forging a sister bond, she was actually more like my child for a while, but it truly was the antidote to my sad situation! 

Krissy was born with a God-given, sweet and kind disposition! It was there in her as a baby, child, adult, and now shines brightly through her children and grandchildren! 

One of the greatest examples I have of this is when I had my first child, a daughter, who Krissy loved as her own! She was only 16 years old herself, but she lavished her big heart all over my daughter and still does to this day! 

God brings healing and gives gifts that are often the opposite of what we have prayed for or expect. I had been crying out to God as a child for God to heal my parents marriage! My parents at that point had not yielded to God and His healing. So my prayer was not answered in the way I wanted it to be answered. Instead God rescued me! He brought a beautiful little Sis into my life that allowed me to receive love and give love purely! 

God gives good and perfect gifts! There is not one prayer that He does not hear or answer! We just have to be able to see with His eyes and hear with His ears what that answer is!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from The Father of Lights.”  James 1:17

When we first recognize that every good and perfect gift is from God, then we should be next drawn to our knees as Daniel was, asking God to open our eyes and ears to see Him and hear Him clearly!

Daniel prayed,

“Oh my God, lean down and listen to me. Open your eyes and see our despair.“ 

Daniel 9:18.



As a young girl, when my life was full of turmoil, God heard and answered my prayer. He gave me my sister Krissy and He rescued me!

More than ever, I realize now that she was indeed one of those “Good and perfect gifts from God!“

Our family went through many more ups and downs. That story is for another day!

But today is the day that I recognize and celebrate a true gift from God, my sis, Krissy!

Happy Happy Birthday Sis! May you be blessed and gifted today as you have blessed and gifted so many others!

What is it that you need rescuing from today? Ask God to rescue you and then stop and look around
who has He put in your life to be a good and perfect gift from Him?

Speak Truth Love


  1. This was beautiful. What a special way to honor your sister and praise God. You have such a way with words. 😘


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