Light at the End of the Tunnel, Week 5!

It can be hard to see the light when we are in the dark. When everything around you is darkness, it’s hard to remember that the light is still there. Even though I absolutely love sunrise and daylight, and prefer it when the light is bright, clear, and evident, it does not mean that I do not appreciate the sunset and understand that the moon’s glow still casts light. 

Yesterday marked five weeks of my healing process. The majority of that time, my right eye has been mainly dark with shadowy glimpses of light. And that is simply stating the physical facts. The mental game of wondering if my eyesight will ever return fully, coupled with the emotional state of waiting for the light to return, and the spiritual state of clinging to God through the light times that bring hope, and the dark times that feel hopeless, brought times that felt dark, with little light. The truth is, the Light is always there. Jesus is constant through the brightest moments of our life, as well as through the darkest valleys! His light shines in us and through us, and all around us, at all times if we belong to Him. Jesus is the Light, in every situation we face! Our responsibility is to look to the Light, and trust in Him to illuminate our dark places!

This fifth week brought me to my doctor’s visit with my surgeon. The physical appearance of my eye is much reduced swelling, and much less looking like a cyclops. My long-awaited eye test, which showed zero visibility the first time, revealed nothing but black. I could see no light whatsoever. 

I am going to be very vulnerable now, and share with you that the first eye exam, only 12 hours after surgery, produced severe anxiety. I felt extremely nauseous, dizzy, and faint. But after 5 weeks of trusting the Light, calling on the Light, and leaning into the Light, my eye exam this time produced 20/20 vision!  

I’d love to tell you that it’s been “light” and easy these past weeks, but that’s not been the case. Through it all, however, the Light has continued shine and guide my path. John the Apostle writes, “And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). 

I still have the gas bubble in my eye, and it continues to dissipate. I pray it will soon be gone, but it has been clear that the light that Jesus brings has shone through my entire experience! At times, it has been a bright beacon that is undeniable! Like when He provided a God-honoring doctor to perform my retina reattachment surgery, and walk me through this healing process. At other times, it has been evident, but dull, as I have clearly been in God’s waiting room, learning patience upon patience upon patience. And at other times, it has been nothing more than a reflection of Jesus Himself, as He has held my hand and walked with me through the darkest moments!


The light of Jesus is ever present, and it overcomes any darkness we go through!

Speak Truth Love

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