How do you hold on when you’re about to lose your grip?

Knowing Truth

Reading Truth

Clinging to Truth

Claim what you know to be true, so you can cling to what will become true!

What I Know to be Truth:

I know God created me and my eyes, and His plan was for me to see. 

What I Read in God’s Truth:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.”  

Psalm 139:13-14

What I Know to be Truth:

I know God led me to a godly doctor, who prayed with me and was available to do the surgery immediately, when it needed to be done(He actually stayed late to do the surgery).

What I Read in God’s Truth:

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”  

Matthew 7:11

What I Know to be Truth:

I know that it was God’s perfect timing, in allowing my husband to have time off and to walk through the surgery and the first appointments with me. 

What I Read in God’s Truth: 

Two are better than one, for they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”   Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

What I Know to be Truth:

I know that God surrounded me with His angels and held my hand through the almost two hour surgery as I was awake for it. As I was completely strapped down, I had to give my claustrophobia to God and remain perfectly still and He helped me through it.

What I Read in God’s Truth:

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!”  Isaiah 26:3

Clinging to Truth: 

Because I know the truth, because I read God’s truth, I can cling to God’s truth when I am about to lose my grip! 

Yesterday marked Week 3 for me in my recovery. I expected week 3 to be better than weeks 1 and 2. After all, isn’t that what recovery implies? It should get better and better each week, if not each day. But week 3 for me was the hardest of all. This active body that loves to do, do, do, and go, go, go, actually started to feel physical harm from not being able to use my body like I used to. Having to be in one position, having to not move, proved to be as frustrating and excruciating as the waiting. But as I felt my grip releasing, I knew that in order not to fall, I had to cling to the truth, and not simply give in to my circumstances. God’s evident and active hand over me from the beginning of this has been obvious to me. His word is Truth and I know it never fails. God has proven this to me over and over again. I know this will pass, and I know this is part of the healing process. And above all, I know that my grip is firm as I hold fast to the truth about God and his grip on me!

Truth Bomb

God’s grip on me is always firmer than my grip on Him!

And my grip grows weak, I will keep knowing, reading, and clinging to God’s Truth. I know that this formula God has for me is that same formula that God has for you. So keep your grip on God’s truth, no matter what you are going through!

Looking forward to meeting you back here for Week 4!

Speak Truth Love

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