Mid-Summer Refreshment: Week 4

Anyone but me underestimate the power of the sun this summer, and the need for protection from it?

Sunscreen is protection from the invisible ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Two types of sun rays invisibly penetrate our skin, UVA and UVB rays are both invisible dangers.

If you hope to go home from that ball game, beach trip, park day, nature hike or bike ride without being burnt, you must slather on that protection! Most of us would never dream of being outside without it.

It is actually thought of by most, to be negligent and foolish if you don’t put sunscreen on. The obvious harm is sunburn, but invisible dangers also exist. Skin cancer, premature skin aging and wrinkles may be liveable, but many skin cancers are not. They can become quickly dangerous and even life threatening! Bottom line is that we spend lots of money, time and effort making sure our bodies are protected and provided with an invisible shield from invisible attackers.

However, when it comes to reading, studying and daily applying the Word of God to our lives, we often leave ourselves exposed, vulnerable and in jeopardy of the invisible efforts of this world and satan to burn us spiritually and infect us with harmful and even deadly thoughts and influences.

But friends, we have the greatest defense in all the world! It is undeniably more powerful than any sunscreen on the market! It is direct access to the Son of God, His Word and to the limitless power He alone possess!

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.

Psalm 18:30




God is perfect! His promises are true!

When we “slather” our spirits with His Word, He is our shield and we are protected!

Best part, there is no cost for this perfect protection. It is free, you need only come to Him and give Him your time. He is waiting for you!


Walking in God’s ways provide perfect protection!

Have a blessed week friends!

Speak Truth Love

5 thoughts on “Mid-Summer Refreshment: Week 4

  1. Love this precious truth Lis as I am enveloped in preparing my house for Demo! It has been SO hot in Sactown, which seems to make the work that much more difficult and I am relying on God’s love and support to get me through these challenging days. The suffering of our Lord and Savior was far greater than anything that I might be experiencing so I lay this at His feet and trust that there is nothing that I cannot overcome because He overcame the world! What love He has for me…I love Him back.

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  2. Thank you Lisa for this reminder. I’ve hit a wall. He has proven Himself faithful in my past. I need to trust that being obedient to walk in His way will get me through this wall AGAIN. His way is perfect. My way is not. Trust Him who is trustworthy! Love you friend for giving me the truth in love!

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